Jan 25, 2019
Rob and Drew share old drunken stories, try to figure out how to be confident, and attempt to figure out how to fall in love. This week's brew is Atwater Brewery's Decadent Dark Chocolate Ale.
A Pew Pew Audio Podcast
Jan 18, 2019
Rob and Drew dedicate an entire episode to talk about all the majesty that is David Duchovny. They talk about his movies, tv shows, and music career. They also talk stand up comedy, their biggest dreams, and more. This week's brew is The Brewing Projeckt's PineappleMango IPA.
Jan 11, 2019
It's a Strange Brew episode! Rob and Drew talk about the Hat Man, a red eyed shadow figure. They talk about the history of Hat Man, read real life accounts, and go on random tangents. This week's brew is New Belgium's Accumulation, a white IPA.
Music: Dead American: Grown So Cold
A "Pew Pew Audio" podcast.
Jan 4, 2019
Rob joins Drew to talk about their resolutions for 2019 for their personal selves as well as podcast goals. They also talk about accidents they've had in the past. It gets deep for a little, but then gets fun again! This week's brew is Harpoon Brewery's Dunkin.
Music: WWBCD by Devon Kay and the Solutions